Thai Non B Visa – How to get a THAI BUSINESS VISA

Looking to do business in Thailand? Obtaining the right visa can be challenging for foreign entrepreneurs and investors. Complex requirements, paperwork, and short validity periods trip up many applicants. Fortunately, the experienced immigration lawyers at A-I-C offer comprehensive Thai business visa services. We take care of the process from start to finish, securing you the correct visa quickly and efficiently.

We’ll provide an overview of Thailand’s major business visas. We’ll outline the application process and documents needed. You’ll also learn how A-I-C streamlines the process and increases approval odds, saving you time, money, and hassle. With A-I-C as your partner, you can focus on your Thai business venture knowing your visa status is secure.

Overview of Key Thai Business Visas

Thailand offers several visa options for international business activities. The main categories are:

  • Non-Immigrant B Visa – For meetings, conferences, training, trade shows, and contract signing. Valid 1-3 months per entry.
  • BOI B Visa – For foreign nationals investing in a Thai Board of Investment approved business. Valid 1 year.
  • Non-Immigrant IB Visa – For operating a business office, branch, or subsidiary in Thailand. Valid 1 year.
  • Non-Immigrant IB-A Visa – For foreign investors starting a new company in Thailand. Valid 1 year.
  • Smart Visa – For highly skilled professionals working for Thai companies in target industries like biotech and digital. Valid 2-4 years.
  • Treaty Trader (TT) Visa – For American and Japanese nationals involved in trade between Thailand and their home country. Valid 1 year.

The visa you need depends on your specific activities in Thailand. A-I-C will determine the optimal visa type based on your business plans.

Applying for a Thai Business Visa

The process of obtaining a Thai business visa includes:

  • Submitting an e-visa application and scanned documents online.
  • Waiting for approval and paying the visa fee.
  • Flying to Thailand to activate the visa.
  • Reporting to extend the visa before it expires.

Required documents include your passport, company registration certificates, a Thai bank statement, health insurance, proof of hotel booking or condo lease, and more.

Rules change frequently, quotas apply, and officials scrutinize applications closely. Without expertise, mistakes can lead to rejection and long delays.

How A-I-C Smooths the Thai Business Visa Process

Don’t tackle Thai business visas alone – leverage A-I-C’s years of experience. We provide comprehensive services that maximize approval odds and prevent headaches:

  • Eligibility Assessment – We determine which visa type you qualify for based on your specific plans in Thailand.
  • Document Preparation – We know exactly which documents are needed and ensure they meet consulate requirements.
  • Application Submission – We take care of submitting your complete e-visa application using the proper channels.
  • Follow-Up and Troubleshooting – If any issues arise with your application, we quickly resolve them through our connections.
  • Visa Maintenance – We track expiry dates and handle all necessary reporting and extensions to keep your visa current.
  • Visa Conversions – When your activities in Thailand change, we manage converting from one type of business visa to another.

With A-I-C as your partner, you avoid mistakes, delays, and denials. We leverage our experience and inside knowledge to make the process smooth from start to finish.

Key Benefits of Using A-I-C for Thai Business Visas

Obtaining a visa is often the hardest part of establishing operations in Thailand. Doing it alone can jeopardize your business before it even launches. The specialized assistance A-I-C provides offers many advantages:

  • Avoid Application Errors – We ensure your documents are complete and accurate to prevent rejections.
  • Increase Approval Speed – Our expertise cuts the red tape, reduces delays, and gets your visa issued faster.
  • Maintain Valid Legal Status – We proactively handle extensions and renewals so your visa stays current.
  • Gain Valuable Knowledge – We educate you on the nuances of Thai immigration law and policies.
  • Stay Compliant As Laws Change – We monitor regulations and adapt your visa strategy as needed.
  • Build Helpful Connections – Our relationships with officials help resolve any problems with your application.

In short, A-I-C makes the Thai visa process reliable, headache-free, and on your side. We empower your startup or investment to launch and operate smoothly.

Partner with A-I-C for Your Thai Business Visa

Don’t jeopardize your Thai business venture with a DIY approach to visas. Requirements are strict, and obstacles arise easily without local expertise. Gain peace of mind by letting A-I-C handle the process from start to finish. Our comprehensive Thai business visa services remove hurdles so you can focus on your objectives.

With A-I-C as your partner, you’ll sail through the visa process and maintain compliant legal status year after year. Contact our experienced immigration specialists today to discuss your Thai business plans. We’ll tailor a strategic visa approach built around your unique needs and priorities.

What are the requirements for a THAI BUSINESS VISA?

Valid passport

Invitation/Confirmation Letter

Business Registration Information (The business must have at lest 2,000,000THB in registered capital per foreign employee. If the business is registered as a Foreign Business 3,000,000THB per foreign employee up-to 10 foreign employees. Exceptions can be applied for BOI companies and/or technical/skilled experts for approved projects. If the applicant is married with a Thai National only 1,000,000THB in registered capital is required. It is often required to have at lest 4 Thai employees per 1 foreign employee)

Managing Director(s) Information

List of Shareholders (Certified by the Registration Department)

VAT Certificate (PHOR PHOR 20)

Withholding Tax (PHOR NGOR DOR 1)

Contract and Detailed Job Description

Copies of entire Passport

Copy of TM6 (Departure Card)

Full Face Photos 5x6cm (White Background)

University Degree, transcripts, certificates, qualifications, and/or licenses.


Proof of Address

Police Clearance

Medical Certificate

*Note: The actual required documentation is extensive (when all of the documents are prepared properly it will be around 2-3 inches thick!!!). We do not provide all of this information because it is reserved for our clients that have paid for this service. It extremely difficult to obtain this visa on your own without any assistance.

*Note: The 90 day reporting for the visa holder is required.

*Note: Under the THAI BUSINESS VISA work is strictly prohibited without the Thai Work Permit. Working in the Kingdom of Thailand without the proper documentation will likely result in your arrest, fine, imprisonment and deportation with denial of re-entry.

*Note: There are many areas of business/employment that are reserved for Thai Nationals.

NOTICE (Updated June 2019): Some Thai Visas and Extensions of Stay are undergoing requirement changes including but not limited to requiring Insurance. Many of Thai Visa Services already include Insurance as a precautionary measure. This is just yet another example of the way we stay ahead of the curve and are better than the rest!

With all of that being said… It is clearly not so easy to obtain a THAI BUSINESS VISA on your own. If you would like a THAI BUSINESS VISA then complete the form below to get started.


Expanding your business into Thailand involves major visa challenges. Don’t tackle this single-handedly and risk rejection, delays, or compliance issues. The experts at A-I-C offer full-service assistance with obtaining and maintaining Thai business visas. We smooth the process using our insider knowledge, strong connections, and decades of experience. Partner with A-I-C for stress-free visas so you can launch your Thai operations successfully. Contact us today to develop a visa strategy that guarantees your business’s success in Thailand.

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